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Research Projects
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Cognitive, personality, and demographic factors: A moderated mediation of chronic violence
exposure and violent offending in justice-involved youth.
A trauma-informed decision-making model of firearm behavior for Black adolescents: Implications for prevention.
Coping socialization in African American families: A latent profile analysis.
Examining the pathologic adaptation model of community violence exposure in justice involved adolescents: The moderating and mediating effects of moral disengagement.
“Wearing a Mask Won’t Protect Us from Our History”: The Impact of COVID-19 on Black Children and Families.
Addressing the Inappropriate Use of Force by Police in the United States and Beyond: A Behavioral and Social Science Perspective. Report of the Police Violence Commission International Society for Research on Aggression.
Translating cultural assets research into action to mitigate adverse childhood experience-related health disparities among African American youth.
Exposure to violence and posttraumatic stress among youth in public housing: Do community, family, and peers matter?
Examining the factor structure of the coping with community violence scale for urban youth.
Coping and adaptation in challenging environments: Introduction to the special issue on development of boys and young men of color.
Hyperarousal and hypervigilance in African American male adolescents exposed to community violence.
The prevalence and longitudinal patterns of continuous community violence exposure and trauma-related symptoms in serious male adolescent offenders.
Promoting social justice for African American boys and young men through research and intervention: A challenge for developmental science.
A longitudinal examination of community violence exposure, school belongingness, and mental health among African American adolescent males.
Examining the effects of family and community violence on African American adolescents: The roles of violence type and relationship proximity to violence.
Milner Hall
425 Ross St
College Station, TX 77840
©2022 by Youth Rising Lab. Created by Kaira Patrick